posted September, 2010
Mayor Carl Luft announced that the Village of Lima has been awarded a New York State Main Street Program grant for downtown revitalization in the amount of $315,000.
He said building owners in the downtown business district would be notified soon to attend one of two meetings on early December at which the details of the grant program would be discussed. Applications for individual projects would be distributed to any building owner or business owner who wished to apply for a matching grant to renovate and repair storefronts, upper floor residential units, accessibility and energy upgrades.
A project review committee would then review and grade the various applications based upon a predetermined list of preferred values for all projects. Awards would be announced in January 2011 so work could commence in the springtime. Design guidelines that apply to the downtown district would need to be followed for any project using grant monies. These guidelines will be distributed along with the project applications at the December meetings.
Assisting the village in administering the grant process is the Livingston County Development Corporation, which has successfully administered prior grants in Livingston County.
Mayor Luft said he was pleased that so many of the Lima service groups, businesses and building owners had been so supportive of the grant application.
"I know this will be a positive move in our village revitalization plans," he said.
More information will be released as the process moves forward.