Lima, NY
Western NY

Upcoming Town of Lima Road Projects
The Town of Lima Highway Department Planned work for 2017
The Town Highway Department plans to oil and stone Briggs Road, Chase Road and also Harold Ave. in early May. We will be planning to purchase materials to rebuild our bridge on Cleary Road. The actual work on this bridge will commence according several factors including delivery of materials, concrete curing time and at what time a subcontractor can finish the guiderail. The weather may also play a role in the completion date.
The Highway Department will also have its annual clean up in May. Permits will be available at the Town Hall. In Addition to this work we will have two large culvert replacements, one on Clay Street and one on Heath Markham Road. As usual we will also have roadside mowing, county work, extra work at the park as time allows, and cemetery mowing.
As always please slow down for our workers and jobsites. Safety is always a priority. Thank you for your patience.
Town and Village of Lima
7329 East Main Street
Lima, NY 14485